Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Genre- 1B

In this essay I am going to be writing about genre and how I linked my film opening “On Track” to genre. The genre I have chosen for my film is sports.  I conformed and subverted certain things throughout my film opening and genre. An example of my film opening subverting the sports genre is using two females as the two main characters. This subverts as in a stereotypical sports film it is a male main character in a male dominated sport.
We chose to do a sport film as it is different it also allows us to expand our ideas on other films that also share the sporting genre. When researching we was inspired by the film “fast girls” we used this film as a structure as to how to make a sports film. We used the research idea of having the settings, camera, mise-en-scene and editing all being very similar. An example of how we made the films very similar so that we could link “fast girls” to our film is by using similar locations such as an athletics track, a gym and a swimming pool. All of the settings we used link to a sports film as they are all stereotypical sporting venues where people will train and perform overall for sport. Another film we looked at for research is “Rocky” we used this for the narrative as to make a film link to sports as a genre the story line will have to be similar to how you want the film to be. “Rocky’s” over all out line was to train, the main character to get knocked down, get back up, train harder and then win a competition. We linked this to our film opening as our story line was to train, main characters to have a rivalry, one loses a competition, on trains harder than the other, another competition where the other girl wins and the audience then feel for the winner. This links overall to the genre of sport as it shows competition and determination which was seen throughout “ROCKY”.
In my film we chose to use sport as the type of genre, as in Daniel chandler’s theory, genre is a type so I chose to use sports as my type for the genre of the film this theory was also conformed throughout showing that it was always a sports film. Another theory that was linked to my film opening was Steve Neale’s theory as my genre was repeated throughout my film but it also showed differences so that it can link back to sports as a genre throughout the film. My film was similar to a sports film as it conformed with all of the stereotypes of a sports film such as the mise-en-scene as I chose locations that have been linked to sports such as tracks and gyms but also the props as a key icon within the film are the shoes, this links to sports as a genre as the type of shoes where trainers but one pair was worn out so this shows the genre of spirt and hard work. I also subverted the sporting genre showing differences such as the characters as they are female this is not a stereotypical sports film mise-en-scene.

within the film we also used camera to show the genre of sport, this would include shots where it builds suspension such as a low tracking shot. we used this shot before the race scene to show  make to scene more intense. this shot was a tracking shot going across the competitors hands showing there starting stance as they was just about to go. we also used mine-en-scene, the costume used was to show differences between classes within our genre, to show the sporting difference between to people we used different shoes, as one pair where scuffed trainers while the other pair where clean white shoes. this would portray the sporting genre as a money driving genre. 


Thursday, 22 March 2018


How you achieve-
What you done- What you learnt- How you developed the skills

Digital technology
Research and planning
Post production
Understanding media conventions
Creativity (might not come up but could be attached to a question above)


  • Intro (skills, at AS we done this at A2 we done that)
  • Apply the skill to year 12 about the question
  • What we learnt in year 13 about the question (Stress how you have DEVELOPED- research, post production, about the conventions and how)
  • Reflect back 
  • Conclusion

MIND MAP- Digital technology 
  • INTRO-We used digital technology throughout the course and we developed our skills from AS to A2. "throughout the two years of our course work redeveloped our digital technology skills" "at AS we done (film) and at A2 we done (music video).
  • BLOGGER-Set up a blog on blogger- PARA 1 "electronic network where we upload all of our production work, research and presentations." "blogger helped as it is accessible form anywhere, you are able to show videos as well as presentations and it can be easily organised under many labels."
  • PREMIER PRO- DANCING ANIMALS, learn to edit with the simple tools (cutting, transitions and adding music) and to music. JUNO, film openings, looked at a real thing so we could establish characters, settings and add titles. PRELIM TASK, come up hit own ideas from a given genre to come up with characters, settings and titles. FILM OPENING, own idea and come up with the whole film opening, character, setting and add titles and contrast effects to bring the bright colours of a sports film. and camera WHAT WE USED
  • PRESENTATIONS- ideas and research and planning. slide share, prezi, powerpoint. used to show our research and pitch to others our ideas. art of the title.com. TALK ABOUT EVALUATIONS AND HOW YOU DONE THEM 
  •  WORD- for our film poster
  • A2- we had to produce cross brand media task for a new band or artist to include a music video, website and digi pack. 
  • PREMIER PRO- more cuts, more footage, more editing/special effects, after effects, over 100 shots. film opening we had 20. 
  • WEBSITE- WIX, free, easy.
  • DIGI PACK- PHOTOSHOP hard, gotta pay. 
  • EVALUATIONS- more creative using green screen and interview. using new techniques such as video and emaze. 

MIND MAP- Research and planning
  • YEAR 12- Research-film opening only, costumes, lighting, artofthetitle.com, genre, inspiration, props, narrative, audience. YEAR 13- Research- music video, website, digital pack, other music videos, music video conventions, genre, similar artists, 30 second break down, time line of music videos, prelim- four five seconds, star profit, music video directors, banana phone learning edits, real student videos marked.
  • YEAR 12- Planning- story board, risk assessment, shooting schedule, film pitch, audience, group pitch, location shots, fonts, script, shot list, music research ideas. YEAR 13- Planning, social media, production diary, film a lot more, presented ideas to a group, lip sync task, who could perform, time line of annotated lyrics, group time table, steal-o-matic, digital pack and website, photo shoot, interview, website and digital pack stages, music video articles. 
Media conventions- 
  • Film-sport, what is a film opening and how did you do it. 
  • Establishes characters, setting, themes, narrative and you find out what the genre is. 
  • Conventions of a sports film. stereotypes of a sports film. talk about titles and the spacing, artofthetitle.com order of titles. production company first, font and colour. 
  • All films researched. 
  • Do the same for a music video, research, examples, what we learnt and then talk about the genre, setting, narrative, concept and how you understand the media conventions. 
  • Digi pack and website. 


This is where you need to take a step back and look at your own work critically (but always be positive; don't write about what you think is wrong, but rather what you have chosen to do). Remember, the examiner on this paper won't have actually seen your production work!

For Question 1(b) you have to select one production and evaluate it in relation to a media concept. This will be one of these:
  • Genre- Para 1-what your production is (film) what you created. "we conformed and subverted certain things throughout" Para 2- how did you no, research how you researched and what you saw and how you linked it to your film (fast girls, rush, rocky). Para 3- Daniel Chandler, genre is a type, what type is your film and how you applied it. Steve Neale, genres made up from repetition and differences. describe how my genre is similar (conform) and difference (subvert). Para 4- DISTINCT- CAMERA(fam), MISE-EN-SCENE(costume, lighting, props), EDITING(stops), SOUND (MCDOVED), music, contrapuntal, diegetic, off screen, voice over, emotion, dialogue). Para 5- Conclusion. 
  • Narrative- Opening para- talk about film opening, genre what narrative is "establishing the character and the genre"- double narrative, setting, plot, characters and genre= narrative. Theorists- Levi Strauss, apply with binary oppositions which means opposites to make an interesting narrative. such as rich and poor, good and evil, different training facilities, poor lives in the city rich in the country side. Barthes, enigma, action, symbolic.need to keep people guessing, by things happening and for them to ask questions. "who's gunna win?" name shots. symbolic codes, the rich shoes and the bad shoes. Todorov- equilibrium, disruption, equilibrium, disruption  what makes a story interesting but restored at the end. Propp, characters, hero, villain, hero's helper, stereotypical characters. HOW DO YOU CONFORM OR SUBVERT. Sophie, good, poor so subvert. Renae, bad, rich so subverted. Para 4- Conclusion. 
  • Representation 
  • Audience 
  • Media language- Para 1- "we used the following technical codes to create meaning in our film opening" "we used media language and applied the genre conventions" "we shall be analysing camera, wise-en-scene, editing and sound."Para 2- camera, three main camera shots ad how we created meaning. Para 3- mise-en-scene(clamps), chose three and how did they create meaning. Para 4- sound, three points how did they create meaning. Para 5- editing, three points how did they create meaning. Para 6- conclusion, how did you create meaning through media language, and did you conform or subvert the genre. 

Basic essay structure for 1b (Choose only ONE product to write about):

Para 1 Intro:

1. First, define the concept you have been given in the question. For example, for Narrative you might say that every text tells a story. Add a quotation, such as for genre, "Genre is a type" (Daniel Chandler, 2001).
2. Outline the production you've chosen to evaluate.
3. Tell the examiner you're going to discuss (x) number of ideas about the concept. Use no more than 5 theories in your answer (so you'll need to have learnt about 6-7 theories in total).

para 2: Using the theorists, describe some of the key features of the concept you are being asked to apply. Outline two or three of the theories/ideas of particular writers, relating them to your production.

para 3: Start to apply the concept, making close reference to your product and to other examples to show how the concept is evident in it.

para 4: Show ways in which ideas work in relation to three areas of your product - production, distribution and exchange - and also ways in which those ideas might not apply/could be challenged.

para 5: Conclusion - Sum up by returning to the question and, having discussed key issues, say how your product follows or challenges the conventions of that issue

Monday, 19 March 2018

in real life-2013 Beeban Kidron


  • 40% of teenagers spend more time with their friends online than in real life. 
  • Teens are digital natives-born with the internet
  • Older people are digital immigrants- grown up with change 
  • 90% of the worlds data has been created in the last two years
  • people don't know what bored is as no one is ever alone without technology 
  • dopamine/ease- makes you feel good
  • millions of people who design so people keep going back and eep getting hocked 
  • people look at there phones 150-200 times a day
  • attention span
  • what you like on Facebook is predicted by 88%
  • 2.5 billion bits of content are shared on Facebook every day
  • 100 hours of video are uploaded to youtube every minute
  • google knows everything
  • "the internet is the best spy"-wiki guy
  • social media is better than nothing
  • parents are protecting there kids to much so they are relying on social media. 
  • 80% of young people believe that they are more likely to get away with bullying online then in real life. 
  • "what happens with out it?"
  • no thinking time
  • clay shirky- "the end of the audience"

-west London

-social media
-video games

-young boys
-young girls


-Ben and Ryan- 15- addicted to porn
-Paige- 15- social meda user, phones first
-Tobin-19- addicted to video games
-Tom-15- bisexual boy who shared his story, never met his boyfriend but talks online
-Thomas- died at 14- boy got cyber bullied and then committed suicided
Textual Analysis-

Negative Representation-

Positive Representation-


Intro- write about all teens through the ages
Main- hoodie horrors and other case sturdy (hoodie horror, your own opinion, in real life)
Last- the future

Friday, 16 March 2018

From hoodie horror to Screenagers

generation citizen study 2014
  • "Americans say they have fewer friends then they ever before"- American isolation source 
  • cyber bulling increase. 
  • "When ever there is time to write edit delete there is room for performance" 
can we auto correct reality?- 2014 prince EA
  • we are always behind a screen 
  • 4 years on phone
  • anti social network 
  • media overstimulation
look up- 
  • open computers close doors
  • device of delusion 
  • keep the best bits but leave out the emotion
  • becoming unsocial 
  • world full of idiots smart phone no people
  • when your looking down you don't see the chances you miss
whats on your mind?
  • everything is fake
  • made it all seem real 
nike (2018)
  • nothing beats a londoner
  • subverts londoners
  • this girl can
this girl can
  • positive messages
harry brown
  • hoodie horror

Asbo's - Anti Social behavior disorder

Asbo's - Anti Social behavior disorder 

2018 top teen worries 
Exams and part time work 
Future job paths 
Mental health 
Driving passing and paying 
Gang business 
Insecurities and looks 
Family and friends ups and downs 
Fear of missing out and popularity 
Parent/teacher pressure/peer pressure 
Social media/bullying 
Time management  

Hegemony in news representation of youth
Media industries operate within a structure that produces a reinforces the dominant ideology via a consensual 'world view'.
This world view is produced predominantly by white middle class, middle aged heterosexual men.
It is their ideas and values that infiltrate media texts and ensure that other voices do not get heard.
A form of communication aimed at influencing the attitude of a community towards some cause or position 

Moral Panic 
Apparent rise in criminal or anti social acts 
often a specific, shocking incident 
Scapegoat 'found' in popular culture 
Blame attributed in news coverage 
'Experts' consulted e.g. teacher social worker, police officers 
Demand in action e.g. change in law 
Research disregarded or ridiculed 

Media by their reaction kept the panic going and amplifies it 
News Values - Negativity 

Monday, 12 March 2018

ill manners- 2012


-south east London
-family enviroment
-streets, alleys
-crack dens

-drugs and violence
-police, checkups on chavs



-Aaron and Ed, fosterkids
-Chris, main bad guy- grew up in a basement
-Michelle, main girl, sexually abused as a child, crack head, needs money for drugs
-kevin, chris grew up around him and influenced him into drugs.
-Jake, young kid joined a gang by beating up his little white mate who stole money off his mum-collective identity, murder, murdered by chris
-marcel, made jake do what he did to get respect, got killed by jake
-kirby, main drug dealer

Textual Analysis-
collective identity
"poor kid, hasn't got a hope in hell"-Michelle to mum and kid

Negative Representation
-drugs- dealign, overdose, the underworld
-violence- guns, fighting, knives, Jake beating his friend up.
-peer pressure
-prostitution-michelle funding drug habit with sex
-kids upbringing

Positive Representation
-loyalty- Ed and Aaron, grew up and stayed together.
-morality- Aaron paid off Michelle's debt
-hero- Ed saves the bad so he dies a hero
-Plan B (Ben Drew), his message was to make the world aware of what life is like for the stereotypical chavs,  the government are feeding money into other things and not the bad.