Apply the concept of representation to one of your coursework productions.
on track is a film including two teenage girls who are aspiring athletes, both have a massive passion for sprinting. within the film they compete in many competitions leading up to there big day. within the film there are may different locations such as trainmen facilities and stadiums all of these link to the representation of girls within sport. we used these location so that we can set the theme of sports and teenagers.
our whole film is a counter type, this i due to the main characters being teenage aspiring athletes who are both female. we chose the characters to be female so that it would break out of the ordinary. most sports films are about men and there way of winning but we have chosen to make it girl based so that it will be able to spread more to a female audience. the two characters both have different personalities and up bringing as one is rich and one is poor so asa stereotype the rich girl is the mainly disliked girl as they are seen as the stubborn villain and the hero is the poor girl who has to work for there victory. so within the storyline the poor girl wins the final race therefore they ar the hero and the film is conformed.
both girls are subverted sports models as they are women not a stereotypical man. but as one of the girls is rich there is a conform as rich people win everything but the main winner is the poor girl but alongside that there is subvert as the poor girl has to hustle to win.
within my film the representation is shown through the characters, these characters can have many different personalities but for both characters they share similarities and differences. both are able bodied, one is in lower class while the other is upperclass, both are teenagers and both are female. when using female characters we did not want to follow Levi stress theory of sexualising there characters so we subverted his theory. this was done so that the characters would come across as innocent to our target audience. another theorist that had an influence on our film was Vladimir props who talks about stereotyping characters, this theory is about stereotypes within a film. this in my film was conformed.
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