as: simmilaritys, different film openings such as fast girls.
a2: compare, did it help, dd it not help or did it. research in music videos- looked at a wider range of videos. took creative ideas and made it your own.
- setting (laden smith)
- camera angles (long pan) (close shots) (bruno mars)
- editing (Justin Bieber)
- colour pallet, colourful in the dark but used the colours of the logo making the video much more creative and individual.
similar texts
in AS you were not creative- you copied conventions of 1 and 2 films.
in A2 you took a range of ideas, developed and made your own- much more creative and skilful.
in AS you didn't research your audience you assumed but post production you researched a bit more into the audience. therefore it was not as successful.
- limited
- assumptions
- based on other texts
- general in demographics (girls, teenagers)
- talked about tit at the end (evaluation, feedback)
- missed the mark and dress your audience due to not researching before hand there for it was not successful.
in A2 we researched before hand so we got a feel forth the vide was going to be for. we used urban we researched by looking at different artists who we are aiming to be like. there was regular research and therefore better outcomes come from the audience.
- appealing to London audience/ urban audience.
- demographic- British, class, age, education, inspiration, regional.
- market research constant- evaluations and getting in the audience to watch.
- creating the typical audience member (psychographic profiling)
- at the end we got great feedback as we hit our target audience.
AS: storyboard
- simple, stick figures on a piece of paper.
- wasn't followed, didn't turn out as planned as we didn't think about the toughest of length of shots and the type of shots.
- this meant it didn't turn out as excepted because not much thought was gone into the story board.
- could've missed shots or under filmed. therefore we had to re-film.
- this caused the editing to be to long and was a bunch of mismatch.
A2: storyboard
- stealomaic
- drawn storyboard- voice over this helped to explain each shot and what happens.
- revising story board making changes and judgment.
- timings where more accrete
- we also annotated lyrics so that we knew when to lip-sync and add lyrics into the song.
- shots where smoother and only had ti go to a location once.
- editing was much smoother
- meant there was more room for more creativity.
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